Buy Caique Parrot Egg Online For Sale
Caique Parrot Egg their average lifespan is about 30 years. All our babies are banded with a custom stainless steel band for identification.There is also a Lime Thigh Caique that is a cross between the White Bellied Caique Parrot and it’s subspecies, the Green Thigh Caique. Main difference between these two are the yellow versus the more green little legs. They are now coming up in popularity and being seen around more. We will hopefully have these in the future.
The Green thigh Caique is currently the most popular and least common of the three types Caique known in aviculture. In terms of behavior, they sit me between the Black head and Yellow thigh. What especially in birds that are close to the import of birds sit, so that only grown with few generations has been noticeable in aviculture.
Not only from their bold colors, but from their funny personality. They are relatively quiet as far as no squawking, but can still make high pitch calls, learn various whistles, and mimic other noises as well. The White Bellied Caique originates in South America. They weigh about 150-170 grams are about 9- 10 inches in length. Their diet in the wild consists of fruits and seeds. Caiques also have an oil preening gland to clean their feathers, so those with allergies may consider one of these guys.
Merida & John –
The eggs are home now. 100%+++++++
Christian –
Very nice and fast